Campaign2 Characters


Iron Fist. The best boxer in the division. His punches crashes all the enemies on his way
Type. Ground unit
Super air wave – he hits powerfully in the ground in order to make super air wave
He is taking horizontal position and push all vampires back to one position and kills last vampire in the row
The Bomberman. An expert in explosives, member of the elite assault troops. An excellent assault pioneer who fears nothing
Type. Ground unit
Throwing Molotov bomb
Throwing  gas bomb
Captain BearThe Bears Army hero. Fearless and brave, the most decorated bear officer of the war, and that’s saying something.
Type. Ground unit
Calls the artillery by radio    
When activated, targets on top of vampires will show up, selected target will trigger the "The Expert" to land by parachute and kill the target
Igor Petrenko. A skilled sniper, high up among the elite. Was awarded the title of distinguished sniper.
Type. Ground unit
Abilities: NA
Bon “The metal bone”Army’s special force, a soldier that can be trusted. Would cover a bears’ back from danger in any situation
Type. Ground unit
Abilities: NA
Dr.Gamma not only a good soldier, also a great scientist. New technology fascinates him, his experiments in radioactivity led to the unexpected discovery of gamma rays.
Type. Ground unit
Solar rays
Life rays
Erich Bong is the Bears Empire fighter ace, who is recognized for having shot down more enemy aircraft than any pilot in history
Type. Air unit
Abilities: NA
Ian Kostikov. A sniper hater, had troubles with aiming in the past, now he doesn’t need to be good, his cannon will hit all the targets. Also he can destroy the Vampire aircrafts.
Type. Ground unit
Abilities: NA
The expertThe paratrooper rabbit, member of the scariest commando unit and assault brigade. Often would join Capitan Bear in his crusades. When land by parachute then 3 clauses may occur:
  • If overlapping with vampire then vampire is killed and he take his place 
  • If no vampires in his radius of attack then he is going to walk until can shoot the targeted vampire
  • If no vampires at all then he sets a mine and escapes by drilling       
Type. Ground unit
Abilities: NA


Stinga soldier who dreamed to become a doctor and now his using the medical equipment as the weapons.

Type. Ground unit
  • when Bear is weak he sucks Bear's blood and makes a life kit for himself or for next his teammate
Anna the grenadier, the vampire that is not afraid of a close fight. She’s skilled and brave, a weapon expert with only one instinct - to kill.
Type. Ground unit
  • throwing grenades when she is behind
  • can damage bear plane by shooting rockets
Margaret,the Vampires army spy. She doesn’t need a gun, her weapon is the propaganda, her job is to recruit as many traitors as she can in to the Bears army.
Type. Ground unit
  • recruits Bears and trained them to become spies
  • can become invisible for almost all Bears, except for Igor Petrenko
Klaus.A high ranked filed commander of the Vampires army, He is leading his battalions against the Bears like a true master, leaving disaster and darkness in the cities he would conquer.
Type. Ground unit
  • spreads super power gas to make Bears weaker and vice versa for Vampires
  • when dies produce a cloud that makes Vampires stronger for a short period of time
Solarius,a mad genius vampire, who managed to find the secrets of the death rays, or at least that how he calls his new invention.
Type. Ground unit
  • when dies produce a tesla sphere

Helmut Heydrich. The most successful Vampires fighter ace in the history of aerial warfare.
Type. Air unit
  • makes an explosion when hit the ground
Teddie Solvak deserted the Bears army and joined the vampires. He didn't consider people as his friends, he simply would not trust them. Blaming the people on all the issues, he joined the Vampires for their sacred cause.
Type. Air unit
  • being treated by Bears as their brother, it's allowed to set mines on Bears base
Sunkis. The Vampires forces most awarded sniper. Also serving as the pathfinder, trained to operate navigation aids and mine the fields.
Type. Ground unit
  • can set mines on battle field
  • can damage "The Expert"


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